Understanding Eight Common Lab Tests
In the course of your nursing education, you will gradually acquire a comprehensive understanding of various laboratory tests. However, mastering all of them simultaneously is not expected. To facilitate your initial clinical experiences, I have gathered information on eight pivotal lab tests that are essential to comprehend. These include hemoglobin, hematocrit, white blood cells (WBCs), platelets, sodium, potassium, creatinine, and glucose. While these are not the only labs you’ll encounter, a solid grasp of these eight will undoubtedly provide you with a strong foundation as you embark on your nursing journey!
Understanding Hematocrit
Hematocrit, akin to hemoglobin, holds significance in its representation of blood composition. It quantifies the percentage of the total blood volume comprised of red blood cells. Typically three times the hemoglobin value, hematocrit can also be influenced by variations in plasma volume. An increase of 3% in hematocrit is anticipated with each unit of packed red blood cells.
Pro Tip: Hematocrit is frequently assessed in conjunction with hemoglobin. When someone mentions “H & H,” they are referring to hemoglobin and hematocrit, recognizing the interconnected nature of these two vital components.

Understanding White Blood Cells (WBCs)
Another vital component within the complete blood count is the white blood cell (WBC) count. This is a crucial parameter to assess when monitoring a patient suspected or confirmed to have an infection. Typically, a normal WBC count ranges from 5,000 to 10,000 in adults.
An elevated total WBC count, known as leukocytosis, is generally indicative of an infection. However, other factors contributing to leukocytosis include inflammation, trauma, stress, smoking, and specific medications like corticosteroids and lithium. It’s important to note that white blood cells can also increase during labor and in later stages of pregnancy, where an elevated level may not necessarily indicate an infection. Less common causes of leukocytosis encompass certain types of cancers such as acute myeloid leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
In addition to the total WBC count, a secondary test called the differential examines different types of WBCs, including neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. Of particular significance is the increase in a specific type of neutrophils known as “bands,” which typically signifies an acute or worsening bacterial infection.
Conversely, white blood cells can decrease in the presence of infection if the body struggles to mount an adequate immune response or if WBCs are depleted due to overwhelming infection. Conditions associated with leukopenia, or a low WBC count, include bone marrow failure, autoimmune diseases, malnutrition, and certain medications such as immunosuppressants, clozapine (an antipsychotic), hydroxychloroquine (used to treat systemic lupus erythematosus), lamotrigine (an antiseizure drug), diuretics, and chemotherapeutic agents.
For patients with a very low WBC count, particularly a diminished neutrophil count, neutropenic precautions are typically implemented, placing them at high risk for infection. Adherence to strict infection control measures is crucial, including thorough handwashing, full personal protective equipment (PPE), and, in some cases, positive pressure airflow in the patient’s room. It is essential to keep the door closed at all times, even in the absence of airflow isolation, and ensure the patient has easy access to their call light for assistance.
Understanding Platelets
Another crucial element within the complete blood count is the patient’s platelet level. When the platelet level is low, it is termed thrombocytopenia, whereas an elevated platelet level is referred to as thrombocytosis. Both conditions can pose risks to the patient, although thrombocytopenia is more frequently encountered.
A low platelet level is generally considered below 100,000, and the primary concern for the patient is an increased risk of bleeding. Spontaneous hemorrhage becomes a significant risk when platelet levels drop below 20,000. The causes of thrombocytopenia are diverse and encompass chemotherapy, leukemia, bone marrow failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), viral infections, lupus, and nutritional deficiencies. Additionally, immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), an autoimmune condition resulting from the presence of antiplatelet autoantibodies, is a common cause of thrombocytopenia.
Conversely, an elevated platelet count is associated with conditions like polycythemia vera, malignancies, splenectomy, hemolytic anemia, inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, and iron deficiency anemia. Thrombocytosis may also occur in response to blood losses, as the body attempts to halt the bleeding.
It is imperative for healthcare providers to closely monitor platelet levels, as maintaining the appropriate balance is crucial for preventing complications related to bleeding or clotting disorders. Understanding the underlying causes of abnormal platelet counts enables the healthcare team to implement targeted interventions and provide optimal care for the patient.
Understanding Sodium Levels
The body employs various mechanisms that influence serum sodium levels, intricately linked with fluid balance. Hormones like aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone play pivotal roles in sodium retention, consequently influencing water retention. The body regulates the production of these hormones to maintain homeostasis.
As sodium predominantly exists outside cells, normal plasma levels are relatively high compared to intracellular electrolytes such as potassium. A standard serum sodium level falls within the range of 135 to 145 mEq/L. Elevated serum sodium is termed hypernatremia, while a decrease is known as hyponatremia, a common electrolyte abnormality encountered in clinical settings.
Hyponatremia is particularly concerning due to its association with cerebral edema and neurological complications. The low sodium concentration in the serum creates a hypotonic environment, prompting fluid to shift from the intravascular space into brain cells. This phenomenon can result in cerebral edema and severe neurological deterioration, especially if the shift occurs rapidly.
It’s essential to note that hyponatremia can also manifest chronically, with less severe neurological compromise, and may even be asymptomatic, particularly in mild cases. Causes include excess water consumption, reduced sodium intake, Addison’s disease, GI losses (diarrhea, vomiting, or nasogastric suctioning), hyperglycemia, and third-spacing of fluids.
Mild hyponatremia often warrants treatment through restricted free water intake, allowing the body to achieve homeostasis. Severe cases or patients displaying neurological symptoms may require hypertonic saline, a high-risk medication requiring slow correction and careful monitoring to prevent complications such as central pontine myelinolysis or locked-in syndrome.
Hypernatremia primarily results from water losses, seen in conditions like diabetes insipidus, extensive burns, or reduced oral fluid intake. Increased sodium reabsorption, as in hyperaldosteronism and Cushing’s syndrome, can also contribute. Excessive sodium intake from IV fluids or dietary sources is another potential cause. The most significant complication of hypernatremia is subdural or subarachnoid hemorrhage due to vascular rupture.
Correcting hypernatremia is a gradual process to avoid detrimental fluid shifts, cerebral edema, and seizures. Treatment involves addressing the underlying cause and may include IV fluids or increased oral water intake based on severity.
Understanding Potassium Levels
Monitoring a patient’s potassium level is crucial due to its significant role in cardiac electrophysiology. Deviations in potassium levels, whether high or low, can lead to severe cardiac dysrhythmias and even cardiac arrest.
Potassium, being the primary cation inside cells, results in relatively small serum levels. The normal serum potassium range is approximately 3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L, and even minor fluctuations can have profound impacts. Since the kidneys secrete potassium without resorption, individuals not consuming sufficient dietary potassium or receiving supplementation may experience dramatic drops in potassium levels.
Patients at the highest risk for low potassium levels are those taking loop diuretics like furosemide. Such individuals often require potassium replacement, which can be administered orally through tablets or liquid, or intravenously (IV). It’s crucial to note that IV potassium should never be administered as an IV push, as it can trigger cardiac arrest. Instead, IV potassium is infused in diluted form at a slow rate, typically 10 mEq/hour in most cases.
If a patient is on a potassium replacement protocol, it’s important to track when their next potassium level should be checked. After PO administration, this is generally four to six hours later, while after IV administration, it is often checked one hour after the total dose has fully infused.
Signs of hypokalemia are primarily related to muscle contraction, leading to weakness, gastric ileus, and initially manifesting as premature ventricular contractions (PVCs).
Hyperkalemia is equally concerning, with tall, peaked T waves on the EKG being a common sign. While hypokalemia causes weakness and gastric ileus, hyperkalemia can lead to irritability, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Hyperkalemia can be caused by various factors, including excessive IV intake, renal failure, transfusion of hemolyzed blood, hemolysis, and acidosis. Patients taking potassium-sparing diuretics, such as spironolactone, are at a higher risk for elevated potassium levels if they consume potassium-rich foods or receive supplements.
The treatment approach for hyperkalemia depends on its severity. For mild cases without symptoms, administration of kayexalate, which binds potassium in the GI tract, may be sufficient. In more urgent situations, IV insulin with dextrose can rapidly shift excess potassium into cells. Calcium is often administered concurrently to mitigate the cardiotoxic effects of hyperkalemia. Albuterol is another medication that facilitates potassium shift into cells and is as effective as insulin with a longer duration of action. In critical cases, emergency dialysis may be necessary.
Understanding Creatinine and Kidney Function
A crucial laboratory value associated with kidney function is creatinine, forming part of the basic metabolic panel (BMP) or the complete metabolic panel (CMP). Creatinine is a byproduct originating from the breakdown of muscle tissue and protein digestion.
As the kidneys exclusively excrete creatinine, it serves as a pivotal indicator of kidney function. Optimal kidney function ensures the efficient removal of creatinine from the body. Elevated creatinine levels signify impaired renal function, potentially indicating renal failure. Causes for heightened creatinine levels encompass chronic kidney disease, acute conditions like glomerulonephritis, urinary obstruction, nephrotoxic medications (such as cephalosporins and ACE inhibitors), and dehydration. A general rule of thumb is that a doubling of creatinine levels represents a 50% reduction in glomerular filtration rate.
Understanding the impact of a patient’s kidney function on various aspects of their care is crucial. For instance, a patient with significantly elevated creatinine may be at risk for electrolyte imbalances, including hyperkalemia, which can lead to cardiac dysrhythmias. Moreover, many medications necessitate dosage adjustments when creatinine levels are elevated, such as enoxaparin. Some medications, like metformin, may even be contraindicated when serum creatinine levels are increased. Additionally, a patient experiencing acute renal failure is susceptible to complications such as fluid volume overload, pulmonary edema, and even seizures. Thus, close monitoring and tailored interventions are imperative for managing patients with abnormal creatinine levels and safeguarding their overall well-being.
Understanding Glucose Levels
Another critical lab test to comprehend is glucose, accessible through the BMP, CMP, and point-of-care (POC) testing via a fingerstick. In the clinical setting, patients are consistently monitored for both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, irrespective of whether they have diabetes.
Hypoglycemia can arise from various factors, with reduced nutritional intake and medications being primary contributors. Medications directly lowering blood glucose, like insulin, as well as others such as beta-blockers, indomethacin, and antibiotics, can induce hypoglycemia. Patients facing hypoglycemia are at risk for severe neurological complications. If increased oral intake fails to improve levels, IV dextrose is often required.
Hyperglycemia, too, extends beyond diabetes. Stress, associated with trauma, surgery, inflammation, and infection, is a common cause of elevated blood glucose in clinical settings. In fact, an increased blood glucose level is one of the supporting factors for a sepsis diagnosis. Other contributors to elevated blood glucose encompass excess intake from oral or IV sources and medications like corticosteroids and tricyclic antidepressants.
Prolonged hyperglycemia, as seen in uncontrolled diabetes or long-term corticosteroid use, poses risks such as infection susceptibility, impaired wound healing, and compromised skin integrity. Furthermore, evidence indicates that hyperglycemia correlates with adverse outcomes, prolonged hospital stays, and heightened morbidity and mortality among hospitalized patients. It is imperative to promptly notify the physician when unexpected hyperglycemia is detected during blood glucose testing, ensuring effective management in the clinical setting.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Eight Common Labs in Nursing
What are the eight key labs discussed for understanding in the nursing blog post?
Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, White Blood Cells (WBCs), Platelets, Sodium, Potassium, Creatinine, and Glucose.
Why is Hematocrit considered a crucial lab value in the context of blood analysis?
Hematocrit measures the percentage of total blood volume occupied by red blood cells, providing essential information about oxygen-carrying capacity.
How does Hemoglobin contribute to overall health, and what are the potential variations in its levels?
Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells responsible for oxygen transport. Abnormal levels can indicate various conditions, including anemia or elevated levels due to specific diseases.
What role do White Blood Cells (WBCs) play in the complete blood count, and why is an increased count concerning?
WBCs are crucial for immune response. An elevated count, termed leukocytosis, is often indicative of infection or inflammation.
How does the Hemoglobin and Hematocrit combination (H & H) provide a comprehensive view of blood analysis?
The H & H combination offers insights into both oxygen-carrying capacity and the percentage of blood occupied by red blood cells.
What is the significance of Platelet levels, and why is it essential to monitor them?
Platelets play a key role in blood clotting. Abnormal levels can lead to bleeding or clotting disorders, necessitating careful monitoring.
What factors influence Sodium levels, and how does it impact fluid balance in the body?
Sodium levels are influenced by hormones like aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone, crucial for fluid balance. Deviations can lead to conditions like hyponatremia or hypernatremia.
How does Potassium contribute to cardiac electrophysiology, and what complications can arise from imbalances?
Potassium is crucial for cardiac function, and imbalances can lead to severe dysrhythmias. Monitoring is essential, especially in patients on diuretics or other medications affecting potassium levels.
What is the role of Creatinine in assessing kidney function, and why is its elevation a concern?
Creatinine serves as an indicator of kidney function, and elevated levels suggest impaired renal function. Understanding its impact is crucial for managing patients effectively.
How does Glucose testing extend beyond diabetes, and why is it important to monitor in various clinical scenarios?
Glucose testing is crucial for detecting hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, providing insights into nutritional intake, medication effects, and overall patient well-being in diverse medical contexts.