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Create a discussion using APA 7 format, and scholarly references no older than 5 years

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Create a discussion of a minimum of 300 words with the following

Question: Does my patient have significant aortic stenosis?

A 72 year-old woman with a history of CHF presents with several weeks of gradually progressive dyspnea on exertion (DOE). At her baseline, she is able to walk several blocks, but now feels winded. She denies chest pain, palpitations, syncope/near syncope, cough, orthopnea, or PND. She states she is compliant with her medications and diet. She has had a recent functional study that showed minimal ischemia.


digoxin 0.125 qd
lisinopril 20 mg qd
furosemide 20 mg qd
KCl 10 mEq qd


HR 90, regular
PB 134/70


chem 7:
Na 132
K 5
Cl 94
HCO3 30
BUN 18
Cr 1.3
CBC: notable for Hgb 14 g/dL (Hct 43%)


RRR, normal S1 and S2
No S3 but has S4
2/6 mid-peaking systolic murmur at the LUSB that radiates to the carotids.

PMI is mildly enlarged and sustained


Carotid pulse is brisk.
JVP flat
Positive abdominojugular reflux


Xray shows cardiomegaly and mild vascular redistribution


Unchanged with an incomplete LBBB pattern

Clinical Diagnosis

Worsening of her congestive heart failure (positive AJR, enlarged and sustained PMI, cardiomegaly, and vascular redistribution).

Clinical Questions

Is this patient’s worsening CHF due to significant aortic stenosis? 

Please elaborate why you think it may be aortic stenosis according to the patient’s symptoms and how do you assess each symptom.

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