A Registered Nurse
What nursing is to many people

Nursing Life: Where You’ve seen it all!

New nurse blues
Make sure you show this part to new colleagues

A Night shift nurse reporting to the day shift…
I Now understand whys its called the graveyard shift for a reason

And the reporting will go like…
A nurse explaining what happened during the night shift

When mommy’s a nurse, creativity has to be on another level
One of the cons of having parents as nurses! No Lying

And you can’t fake being sick either!
The Mom of the Year!

When Dealing with rude patients

Ohhhh yeeeeees!
My unexpected God Sent allies!

And the rude interns are a Pain
Someone’s gonna die today I’m sure

When your admin tricks you to take an extra shift

When Nurses are on Break
This meme captured that moment

Whiteboard Thing

One Toxic Shift
Don’t you wish you could do this….?

How Do Nurses Make Their Gifts

And when you’re assigned to decorate the unit…
The Style betrays you

My Nursing Choices, choices
When I’m super exhausted after a bone-breaking shift…

And this is what I would look like after a shift. They really captured my eyes.

Nursing is the best skin care ever. 100%

A simple no would be fine. However, some A-Holes Need a Dress-Down

when Nurses Decide To play cards…..
uhmmm, that’s us

Anyway, We Follow the line…….

Florence Nightingale playing poker

When going to nursing school seemed like a good idea until …

quitting nursing school is not a choice because…..

Something to inspire nurses
what inspired me to become a nurse

When nursing school screws you hard
I don’t need a bae

Those dreaded SATA questions...ooophs

Newbie nurses will be like
You’ll make mistakes, learn from them. Get that experience

You can overcome this believe you me!

Global Student Nurse Diagnosis

Nursing shortage solution

We’ll Be Back With More Darlings! Stay Hooked