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How to Cite Medical Papers Effectively: The Ultimate Guide

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How to Cite Medical Papers Effectively: The Ultimate Guide


Properly citing medical papers is crucial for maintaining the integrity and credibility of scientific research. AMA citation style provides a systematic method for organizing academic papers in the fields of health care, medicine, and nursing. Effective citation not only acknowledges the work of other researchers but also allows readers to locate and verify the sources used.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the significance of AMA citation style in evidence-based medicine, highlighting its role in crediting contributors and avoiding plagiarism. By understanding the formatting rules and mastering the elements of effective AMA citation, you can improve your medical papers while following industry standards.

Whether you are citing digital documents or print materials, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to cite various sources in AMA style accurately.

Understanding AMA Citation Style

AMA citation is a widely used format for organizing academic papers in the field of healthcare, medicine, and nursing. It follows a set of guidelines outlined in the AMA Style Guide, which was published by the American Medical Association in 1962. The main goal of AMA citation is to provide a logical structure to academic papers, ensuring that information is based on evidence from credible sources while giving proper credit to contributors and avoiding plagiarism.

Key Elements and Principles of AMA Citation

To understand AMA citation style, it’s important to familiarize yourself with its key elements and principles:

  1. Superscript Number Citations: In AMA citation, references are marked with superscript numbers within the text. These numbers correspond to full source citations listed in the “Reference List” at the end of the paper.
  2. Full Source Citations: The “Reference List” includes complete bibliographic information for each cited source, such as authors’ names, article titles, journal names, publication dates, and page numbers.
  3. Evidence-Based Medicine: AMA citation emphasizes evidence-based medicine, which means that statements made in the paper should be supported by valid and reliable sources. This ensures that the information presented is accurate and trustworthy.
  4. Crediting Contributors: Properly crediting contributors is an important aspect of AMA citation style. Authors should acknowledge the work of others by including their names in the reference list and citing their contributions within the text when appropriate.
  5. Avoiding Plagiarism: Plagiarism is a serious offense in academic writing. In AMA citation style, it is crucial to properly attribute any ideas or information borrowed from other sources to avoid plagiarism. This includes both direct quotations and paraphrased content.

Formatting Rules for AMA Citation

In addition to understanding the key elements and principles of AMA citation, it is essential to follow specific formatting rules to ensure consistency and clarity in your citations. Here are some important formatting guidelines:

  1. Double-Spaced Text and 1″ Margins: The text in an AMA-formatted paper should be double-spaced, and the margins should be set at 1 inch on all sides. This creates a clean and readable layout.
  2. 12pt Font and 1/2″ Indents: Use a legible font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, with a font size of 12 points. Additionally, indent the first line of each paragraph by 1/2 inch to create a clear visual distinction.

By adhering to these formatting rules, you can ensure that your paper meets the requirements of AMA citation style.

Understanding the key elements, principles, and formatting rules of AMA citation is crucial for effectively citing medical papers.

Formatting Rules for AMA Citation

AMA citation follows specific formatting rules to ensure consistency and clarity in medical papers. These rules include the use of superscript number citations, a “Reference List” section, and specific guidelines for text formatting. Let’s delve into each of these formatting requirements:

1. Superscript Number Citations

AMA citation uses superscript numbers to cite sources within the text. These numbers are placed outside commas and periods but inside colons and semicolons. When citing multiple sources, separate the superscript numbers with commas.

2. “Reference List” Section

In AMA citation, all the cited sources must be listed in a “Reference List” at the end of the document. The Reference List should be numbered consecutively based on the order of appearance in the text. Each reference should be indicated by its corresponding superscript number.

3. Text Formatting Requirements

In addition to superscript number citations and a “Reference List” section, AMA citation also has specific guidelines for text formatting:

  • Double-Spaced Text: All text in an AMA-formatted paper should be double-spaced to enhance readability.
  • 1″ Margins: Set 1-inch margins on all sides of the document for uniformity and ease of reading.
  • 12pt Font: Use a legible font with a size of 12 points throughout the paper.
  • 1/2″ Indents: Include a 1/2-inch indent for each new paragraph to visually separate different sections.

The purpose of these formatting rules is to create consistency and facilitate easy navigation through medical papers. By adhering to these guidelines, authors can ensure that their work is properly cited and structured, enhancing its credibility and professionalism.


According to recent studies, cannabis has been used in medicine since ancient times[^1^]. This evidence highlights the historical significance of this herb in medical practice.

Reference List

[^1^]. Cannabis herb used in medicine since 2737BCE.

By implementing these formatting rules, authors can effectively cite sources in AMA citation style and contribute to the overall clarity and coherence of their medical papers.

Mastering the Elements of Effective AMA Citation

In this section, we will focus on the specific guidelines for journals in AMA citation style, as well as the proper use of punctuation marks within bibliographic components. These elements are essential for mastering the art of effective AMA citation.

Specific Guidelines for Journals in AMA Citation Style

When citing journal articles in AMA format, there are a few specific guidelines to follow:

  1. Inclusion of issue numbers in parentheses after volume numbers for journal citations: In AMA style, it is important to include the issue number of the journal in parentheses after the volume number. This helps readers locate the specific article within a particular issue. For example:

Smith AB, Johnson CD. The role of exercise in maintaining cardiovascular health. J Cardiol. 2020;35(2):123-130.

  1. Here, “35” represents the volume number and “(2)” indicates the issue number.
  2. Proper use of punctuation marks within bibliographic components: Punctuation plays a crucial role in creating accurate and clear AMA citations. Here are some key points to remember:
  3. Commas: Commas are used to separate sub-elements of bibliographic components or interconnected components like writer names. For example:

Johnson AB, Smith CD.

  • If there are multiple authors, they should be separated by commas as well:

Johnson AB, Smith CD, Brown EF.

  • Semicolons: Semicolons are used when there are varying elements or multiple occurrences within a group. For example:

Johnson AB; Smith CD; Brown EF.

  • This indicates that each element (Johnson AB, Smith CD, and Brown EF) is distinct and separate.
  • Colon: Colons are used before the publisher’s name, between the title and subtitle, and after a connective phrase. For example:
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Smith AB, Johnson CD. Exercise and Cardiovascular Health: A Comprehensive Review. New York: Publisher; 2021.

By following these specific guidelines for journals and understanding the proper use of punctuation marks, you can ensure that your AMA citations are accurate and consistent.

Examples of AMA Citations

To further illustrate the elements of effective AMA citation, let’s take a look at some examples:

  1. Example of an AMA citation for a journal article:

Johnson AB, Smith CD. The Impact of Sleep on Cognitive Function. Sleep Med. 2019;25(3):145-152.

  1. In this example, “25” represents the volume number, “(3)” indicates the issue number, and “145-152” represents the inclusive page numbers.
  2. Overview of the AMA paper format including proper references in text and Reference List:
    1. In-text citation: Use superscript numbers for borrowed information or ideas outside commas, periods, or quotation marks. For multiple sources, separate the superscript numbers with commas. Personal communications can be cited parenthetically with the name, type of communication (e.g., personal interview), and date.
    1. Reference List: Numerically list the references corresponding to the superscript numbers used in-text. The format may vary depending on the source type. When listing author names, there should be no comma between the last name and first initials. Page numbers should be provided in full.

These examples demonstrate how to apply the specific guidelines for journals in AMA citation style and showcase the overall format for AMA citations.

Remember, mastering the elements of effective AMA citation involves attention to detail and adherence to specific guidelines. By understanding how to include issue numbers for journal citations and using punctuation marks correctly within bibliographic components, you can ensure that your citations are accurate and consistent in AMA style.

Examples of AMA Citations

AMA citation style uses specific formatting guidelines for various types of sources. Here are some examples that demonstrate how to apply these guidelines correctly:

1. Journal Article Citation

In-text citation: Recent studies have shown promising results in the treatment of diabetes mellitus using stem cell therapy[^1^].

Reference list entry:

  1. Smith AB, Johnson CD, Miller EF. Stem cell therapy for diabetes mellitus. JAMA. 2019;321(15):1456-1467.

2. Book Citation

In-text citation: According to the book “The History of Medicine,” the discovery of penicillin revolutionized the field of antibiotics[^2^].

Reference list entry:

  1. Brown EF. The History of Medicine. 3rd ed. Springer; 2018.

3. Website Citation

In-text citation: The World Health Organization provides up-to-date information on global health issues[^3^].

Reference list entry:

  1. World Health Organization. Accessed March 10, 2020.

These examples illustrate how to format different types of sources in AMA style, including journal articles, books, and websites.

Note: In AMA style, numerical superscripts (e.g., [^1^], [^2^]) are used for in-text citations to correspond with the full citation details provided in the numbered reference list at the end of the document.

Overview of AMA Paper Format

The AMA paper format requires proper references both within the text and in the Reference List. The standard NLM abbreviations for journal titles should be used, and all formatting guidelines must be strictly adhered to for consistency and accuracy. Additionally, the ICD-10 codes should be incorporated when relevant.

To ensure accuracy in the Reference List, it is recommended to follow the guidelines provided by credible sources such as the Medical University of South Carolina Library.

In summary, mastering the art of AMA citations involves understanding and implementing these key elements effectively. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your medical papers are accurately cited and contribute to the integrity and credibility of scientific literature.

Additional Tips for Perfecting AMA Citations

When it comes to perfecting your AMA citations, paying attention to details is crucial. Here are some additional tips to ensure your citations are accurate and consistent:

Guidelines for Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms in AMA Citations

Proper Use of Stated Names in Text and References

  • In the text, stated names should appear as full names when first mentioned and then can be abbreviated using a two-letter abbreviation in references.
  • For organizations or groups with well-known abbreviations, use the abbreviation rather than spelling out the full name.

Numerals, Time, Dates, and Measurements in AMA Citation Style

In addition to formatting guidelines for acronyms and stated names, it’s important to follow specific rules for numerals, time, dates, and measurements:

  1. Use of Numerals in Writing: Numerals should be used in writing except at the beginning of a sentence or title. This ensures consistency and readability throughout your paper.
  2. Proper Formatting of Time of Day: When referencing time, use AM/PM in small letters (e.g., 6 pm). The conventional 12-hour clock format is preferred within AMA citation style.
  3. Guidelines for Formatting Dates: Dates should be written with numerals for the day and year, while the month should be written out (e.g., October 2, 2020). This format aligns with AMA citation standards for clarity and uniformity.
  4. SI Standard Measurements: When including measurements in your citations, use the International System of Units (SI) standard. Ensure that plain text numbers are accompanied by a space before the unit and avoid using periods after the unit.

By adhering to these guidelines for acronyms, abbreviations, initialisms, stated names, numerals in writing, time of day format, date format, and SI standard measurements within AMA citations, you can enhance the precision and professionalism of your medical papers.

Comprehensive Guide to Citing Different Sources in AMA Style

Citing different sources in AMA style can be a complex task, but with the right guidelines, it becomes much easier. In this section, we will explore how to cite various sources, including digital documents, print materials, and more.

Digital Documents

When citing digital documents in AMA style, it is important to follow the formatting guidelines and include all relevant details. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Digital Journal References

To cite a digital journal article, include the article title, subtitle (if applicable), journal name, year of publication, volume number, issue number (in parentheses), part or supplement information (if applicable), and inclusive page numbers.

Example: Smith AB. The role of genetics in cancer research. Cancer J. 2020;26(3):150-155.

2. Websites

When citing a website, provide the title of the webpage or article (if available), the name of the website or organization hosting the content, the publication or update date (if available), and the access date.

Example: National Institutes of Health. Clinical Trials. Accessed October 2, 2020.

3. Newspapers

To cite an online newspaper article, include the author’s name (if available), the title of the article, the name of the newspaper in italics, the publication date (month day, year), and the access date.

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Example: Johnson M. New drug shows promise in treating Alzheimer’s disease. The New York Times. September 15, 2020. Accessed October 2, 2020.

4. Journal Articles

For online journal articles that are not paginated by issue or volume numbers, use an article identifier such as a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if available. Include all other relevant details as you would for a print journal article.

Example: Johnson M, Smith AB. The impact of exercise on mental health. J Psychol. 2020;45:e12345. doi:10.1234/jpsych.2020.12345

5. Government Reports

When citing a government report found online, include the authoring agency, the title of the report in italics, the publication date, and the access date.

Example: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Annual Report on Health Statistics 2019. Published April 2020. Accessed October 2, 2020.

6. Conference Proceedings/Presentations

To cite conference proceedings or presentations found online, include the presenter’s name, the title of the presentation in quotation marks, the name of the conference or organization hosting the event, the location and date of the conference (if available), and URL or DOI (if applicable).

Example: Smith CD. Advances in cancer research. Presented at: International Conference on Cancer Research; October 15-18, 2020; virtual conference.

Remember to include the access date for all online sources as this is an important element in AMA citation style.

Print Materials

In addition to digital documents, it is essential to know how to cite print materials correctly in AMA style. Here are some guidelines to follow:

1. Print Book References

When citing a print book, include the author’s last name followed by their initials (without periods), the title of the book in sentence case (capitalize only the first word), volume number (if applicable), edition number (excluding first edition), place of publication, publisher name, copyright year, and page numbers (for specific citations).


  • Book with one author: Sacks O. Uncle Tungsten. New York, NY: Alfred A Knopf; 2001.
  • Book with two to six authors: Beckon O, Laurent B. Miracles Working. New York, NY: Alfred A Knopf; 2009.
  • Book with seven or more authors: Beckon O, Laurent B, Seichen P et al. Miracles Working. New York, NY: Alfred A Knopf; 2009.

2. Book Chapter

When citing a chapter from a book, include the author of the chapter, the title of the chapter in quotation marks, the names of the book’s editor(s), the title of the book in italics, edition number (if applicable), place of publication, publisher name, copyright year, and page numbers.

Example: Solensky R. Drug Allergy Treatment. In: Lockey P’s Allergens and Allergen Immunotherapy. 3rd ed. Marcel Dekker; 2004.

3. Print Journal Article

For print journal articles, include the authors’ last names and initials (without periods), the article title in sentence case (capitalize only the first word), the abbreviated journal title (based on National Library of Medicine database), year of publication, volume number (in bold), issue number (in parentheses), and inclusive page numbers.

Example: Colbert S, Johnson M. Myofibrillogenesis Regulator 1 Gene Mutations Cause Paroxysmal Dystonic Choreoathetosis. Arch Neurol. 2004;61(7):1025-1029.

The examples provided here cover some of the most common scenarios for citing different sources in AMA style. However, keep in mind that there might be variations depending on specific situations or sources.

Remember to consult the AMA Manual of Style for more comprehensive guidelines and specific examples related to your citations.

Print Materials

Keywords: “Research paper help, AMA Title Page, In-Text Citation, Reference List, Digital journal references, websites/newspapers/journal articles/government reports/conference proceedings/presentations, Availability of research paper help for AMA citation., Components and guidelines for AMA Title Page., Proper use of superscript numbers for in-text citations and corresponding Reference List entries, Print book references, print journal article example”.

Talking points:

  1. Proper formatting of print book references with author/editor names, chapter titles, volume numbers etc.
  2. Example of a print journal article citation in AMA format.


Here are some examples of various book citations in AMA format:

  1. Book with one author:
    1. Sacks O. Uncle Tungsten. New York, NY: Alfred A Knopf; 2001.
  2. Book with two to six authors:
    1. Beckon O, Laurent B. Miracles working. New York, NY: Alfred A Knopf; 2009 (first three authors listed, followed by “et al.”).
  3. Book with seven or more authors:
    1. Beckon O, Laurent B, Seichen P et al. Miracles working. New York, NY: Alfred A Knopf; 2009.
  4. Book with an editor:
    1. Galanter M, ed. Services Research in the Era of Managed Care. New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum; 2001.
  5. Book by an organization:
    1. World Health Organization. Injury: A Leading Cause of the Global Burden of Disease, 2000. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2002.
  6. Book of second or later edition:
    1. Adkinson N et al., eds. Middleton’s Allergy: Principles and Practice. 6th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2003.
  7. Book chapter example:
    1. Solensky R. Drug allergy treatment in Lockey P’s Allergens and Allergen Immunotherapy (3rd ed., Marcel Dekker) 2004.
  8. Print journal article example:
    1. Colbert S et al.’s Myofibrillogenesis regulator 1 gene mutations cause paroxysmal dystonic choreoathetosis in Arch Neurol (2004;61(7):1025‐1029).

These examples demonstrate the correct citation format for different types of books and journal articles in AMA style. It is important to follow the specific guidelines for each type of source to ensure accurate and consistent citations. By using the appropriate formatting, you can credit the original authors and sources properly while avoiding plagiarism.

Remember to include relevant information such as author names, titles, edition numbers, publication details, and page numbers when citing books. For journal articles, include the article title, journal name, year, volume, issue, and page numbers.

Properly citing your sources in AMA format is crucial for maintaining academic integrity and providing credibility to your research paper. Make sure to consult the official AMA Style Guide or refer to reliable online resources for more detailed guidelines on citing different sources in AMA style.


Mastering the art of AMA citation format is crucial for effective medical paper citation. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Embrace the key elements and principles of AMA citation.
  2. Understand the formatting rules and specific guidelines for journals.
  3. Pay attention to details such as acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms.
  4. Properly format time, dates, and measurements.
  5. Use a comprehensive guide to citing different sources in AMA style.
  6. Stay updated with any new guidelines or variations in educational institutions and publications.

By following these guidelines, you can elevate the quality and credibility of your medical papers through accurate citations.

Remember that mastering AMA citation format is an ongoing learning process. Continuously staying updated with any new guidelines or variations in educational institutions and publications is crucial for maintaining accuracy in medical paper citations. Striving for excellence in AMA citation format ultimately contributes to the advancement of evidence-based medicine and the dissemination of reliable information within the medical community.

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